Redistricting and retirements mean this year’s primary election ballot is a bit more crowded than usual. U.S. Senate The only state-wide race on the ballot is the GOP primary for retiring Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl’s seat. The winner of the four-person primary will face Democratic U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin in November. The four Republican candidates […]
Wisconsin’s Budget Process
Date Tue, Jul. 24, 2012 - 12:27pm By Hamilton
The latest brief from the Legislative Reference Bureau, Executive Budget Bills Enacted by the Wisconsin Legislature, 1931-2011, is an interesting look at the evolution and current status of Wisconsin’s state budget process. The detailed look at how each biennial budget is developed explains that the process has already started for agencies even though a budget […]
Zipperer Resigns Senate Seat to Join Walker Staff
Date Wed, Jul. 18, 2012 - 6:03pm By Hamilton
A series of changes is leaving the Senate Democrats with a 17-15 majority and shuffling staff in the Walker Administration. Sen. Rich Zipperer, who currently represents the 33rd District, will resign his Senate seat and take on the role of Walker’s Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel on August 6. The heavily Republican district […]
New Leadership in the State Senate
Date Wed, Jul. 18, 2012 - 6:01pm By Hamilton
The State Senate convened on Tuesday, July 17 to formally transfer control of the upper house to Democrats. Control of the Senate flipped to the Democrats after John Lehman (D-Racine) was sworn in following the June 5 recall elections. Sen. Fred Riser was chosen to serve as Senate President; Tim Carpenter as President Pro-Tempore; and […]
State Economic Development Programs Audited
Date Thu, Jun. 21, 2012 - 12:50pm By Hamilton
The non-partisan Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) has completed an audit of the 196 economic development programs administered by the state at some point during the 2007-09 and 2009-11 biennia. In response to the findings and recommendations of the LAB’s 2006 review of state economic development programs (report 06-9), 2007 Wisconsin Act 125 defined economic […]
LRB Releases List of State Agencies, Boards, Commissions, or Councils Created, Repealed, or Revised by the 2011 Legislature
Date Tue, Jun. 12, 2012 - 10:33am By Hamilton
The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) has released a list of state governmental bodies affected by actions of the 2011-2012 Wisconsin Legislature. The list is organized by type of action taken (Units Created, Units Repealed, Units Created and Repealed, or Units Revised), and provides the relevant statute section, act number, and governmental unit affected. This […]
Oh to be a Fly on the Potato Salad at the Beer and Brat Summit
Date Tue, Jun. 12, 2012 - 10:00am By Hamilton
As part of an effort to rebuild working relationships between legislators and the executive, Gov. Walker will be hosting a Beer and Brat Summit at the State of Wisconsin Executive Residence tonight. In an effort to provide a relaxed environment for lawmakers to socialize with each other and with the Governor, the event will not […]
Wisconsin’s Political Outlook: Recall Results
Date Wed, Jun. 6, 2012 - 4:04pm By Hamilton
On June 5th, Wisconsin became the third state to ever attempt to recall its governor, and the first where that governor was able to retain his seat. The implications of the election could spill over to November, but perhaps more interestingly, will change the debate at the national level. While Wisconsin’s 15 minutes months of […]
LRB’s Summary of the 2011–2012 Wisconsin Legislative Session
Date Thu, May. 31, 2012 - 10:40am By Hamilton
The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau has released its research bulletin providing an overview of the acts and joint resolutions of the 2011–2012 Wisconsin Legislative Session. Legislation is organized by topic with acts described under the appropriate subject heading or headings. Significant acts and joint resolutions are highlighted by shading.
Recall Update
Date Thu, May. 31, 2012 - 10:18am By Hamilton
With less than a week to go before the June 5 recall elections, tensions are running high across the Badger State. Hamilton Consulting’s detailed analysis of the recall primary results lays out each race and the implications of different outcomes, so in case you missed it be sure to check it out. Since the primary, […]