JFC Passes Budget Bill

JFC Passes Budget Bill

Just before 9 P.M. on Sept. 6, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completed its work on the 2017-19 state budget. JFC spent long days on Tuesday and Wednesday taking votes on Foxconn and the remaining budget issues: transportation, taxes, and the “wrap up” motion. Statutory language of the budget bill will be finalized in the […]

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JFC Resumes Budget Work

After a two-month break, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) have resumed their work on the state budget. JFC met on August 24 and 28 to vote on some outstanding issues including Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Department of Public Instruction (DPI). JFC will meet again on Tuesday, September 5, to finish up their work, […]

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DOT Reform Package Introduced

Last week a group of Republican legislators, led by Sen. Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) and Rep. Joe Sanfelippo (R-New Berlin), introduced a transportation reform package (LRB 3884).  According to the author’s co-sponsorship memo, the legislation “combines various reform bills that have already been introduced into one omnibus reform package,” and “proposes several new ideas to address […]

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Wisconsin Budget in Limbo

The completion of the 2017-19 Wisconsin biennial budget remains in limbo. The new fiscal year started on July 1, and with no new budget, the state continues to operate under last fiscal year’s budget. The Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) last met on June 15, and has not set another meeting date to take up […]

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LFB Releases Transportation Fund Memo

The Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) released a memo last week revealing a $94 million increase in the balance of the state’s transportation fund. LFB had originally estimated the 2017-19 biennium-ending fund balance at $8.4 million. However, mainly due to projections of higher fuel tax revenues and lower debt service costs, LFB re-estimated the fund balance […]

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Gov. Walker Issues Executive Order on Driverless Cars

Gov. Walker Issues Executive Order on Driverless Cars

Gov. Scott Walker issued an executive order last week that creates a committee on autonomous vehicles. The Steering Committee on Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing and Deployment will advise the governor on how best to advance the testing and operation of such vehicles in Wisconsin. According to the order, the committee will identify and coordinate […]

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Assembly Republicans Release Transportation Plan

On Thursday, May 4, the Assembly Republicans held a press conference to announce a transportation budget proposal. The proposal, authored by Rep. Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield) aims to reduce the level of bonding in Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed transportation budget by $300 million and to increase tax revenues to the transportation fund. Additionally, the proposal aims […]

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Joint Audit Committee Holds DOT Audit Hearing

The Joint Audit Committee held a public hearing Wednesday, Feb. 22 on the January audit of the Department Transportation’s highway program. The audit found increased expenditures, inaccurate cost estimates and deteriorating state roads. At the beginning of the hearing, the committee questioned the two state auditors. Legislators expressed concern about the upcoming DOT budget. Joint […]

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New DOT Audit Released

The Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) released a new audit of the Department of Transportation (DOT) on Jan. 26, revealing increased expenditures, inaccurate cost estimates and deteriorating state roads. The audit comes amid this session’s contentious transportation budget debate. The audit examined 16 highway projects that were ongoing as of August 2016 and 19 completed projects. […]

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DOT Secretary Resigns

Gov. Scott Walker announced in late December that the Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Mark Gottlieb offered his resignation, which took effect Jan. 6. Walker named Department of Safety and Professional Services Secretary Dave Ross to take over the position. Gottlieb’s resignation came just before the start of a budget season in which transportation funding […]

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