A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators has introduced a resolution to block implementation of the EPA’s regulation of greenhouse gases. According to news reports, the resolution is causing concern among environmental groups and the EPA because of the broad support the resolution is garnering (the resolution has 41 co-sponsors). It is uncertain, however, whether the resolution […]
U.S. Senate to Vote on Resolution Blocking EPA’s Authority to Regulate Greenhouse Gases
Date Wed, May. 26, 2010 - 1:25pm By Hamilton
Study Reveals Costs of California’s Climate Change Legislation to Economy
Date Tue, May. 25, 2010 - 10:36am By Hamilton
The Wisconsin Legislature recently adjourned without passing controversial climate change legislation, dubbed the “Clean Energy Jobs Act” (CEJA). All of the leading business and agriculture groups in Wisconsin believed the legislation would have significantly increased energy costs by forcing Wisconsin utilities to generate 25 percent of their electricity from higher cost renewable energy sources such […]
Obama Administration Announces New Vehicle Mileage Standards for Large Trucks; Extends Efficiency Standards for Cars
Date Fri, May. 21, 2010 - 8:24am By Hamilton
President Barack Obama will announce today a proposal that will require large trucks to increase fuel efficiency. According to TheHill.com: Obama is slated to issue a directive that expands vehicle mileage rules to include big trucks for the first time beginning in model year 2014. The president is expected to offer comments on the announcement […]
Gov. Doyle Signs Bill Expanding Renewable Resources Definition and Forms of Energy Eligible for Credit
Date Thu, May. 20, 2010 - 10:53am By Hamilton
Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law yesterday SB 273 (2009 WI Act 406), which creates a new type of credit under Wisconsin’s current renewable energy law. Under current law, electric utilities must provide a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable energy (10 percent by 2015). An electric provider may create credits if it sells […]
Court Dismisses Challenges to Air Emissions Construction Permit for Coal-fired Power Plant
Date Tue, May. 18, 2010 - 2:24pm By Hamilton
The Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Dist. IV last week issued a decision rejecting three out of four challenges by the Sierra Club to an air pollution permit for the construction of a coal-fired power plant in Weston, Wisconsin. In its appeal, the Sierra Club challenged a lower court’s decision affirming the Wisconsin Department of Natural […]
EPA Issues Final Rule Regulating Greenhouse Gases
Date Thu, May. 13, 2010 - 12:13pm By Hamilton
The EPA issued today its final rule – known as the “tailoring rule” – which sets the thresholds for greenhouse gas permitting requirements for stationary sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA). Specifically, the new rule sets thresholds for GHG emissions that define when permits under the New Source Review Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and […]
Kerry-Lieberman Climate Change Bill Unveiled
Date Thu, May. 13, 2010 - 8:53am By Hamilton
U.S. Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) introduced yesterday their much anticipated climate change legislation. Dubbed the “American Power Act,” the sweeping legislation covers 987 pages. To view a summary of the bill, click here. The centerpiece of the bill is a cap-and-trade system that would levy a tax on large emitters of […]
Study Casts Doubt on EPA’s Plan to Increase Ethanol Content in Gasoline
Date Wed, May. 5, 2010 - 8:22am By Hamilton
A New York Times article discusses a new study that finds that a proposed plan by the EPA increasing the amount of ethanol mixed into gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent would damage cars and increase pollution. According to the article: Half of the engines tested so far have had some problems, said C. […]
Wisconsin Legislature’s Final Day of Session
Date Thu, Apr. 22, 2010 - 4:45pm By Hamilton
The Wisconsin Legislature is wrapping up its final day of the 2009-10 legislative session. The Senate adjourned earlier today, meaning that a number of high-profile bills officially died. Most notably, the global warming legislation (the so-called “Clean Energy Jobs Act”) did not pass the Senate. The Assembly bill (AB 649) passed out of committee, but did not have […]
Climate Change Bill Amended
Date Tue, Apr. 13, 2010 - 4:03pm By Hamilton
The authors of the global warming bill (AB 649/SB 450) unveiled the long-awaited changes to the legislation. The substitute amendment, encompassing 150 pages, removes controversial provisions such as the low carbon fuel standards and California’s low emission vehicle standards. However, the legislation still includes the most controversial provision — the renewable energy mandate. The legislation […]