Wisconsin’s Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Elimination Task Force has issued its second quarterly report of 2012. The report includes citizen suggestions and highlights state actions, which that helped save taxpayers money and make government more efficient.
“We are continuously looking for ways to reduce waste in government,” said Governor Walker. “Suggestions from state employees and citizens are a huge help, they help taxpayers get a better return on their investment from the state. Every dollar saved we can invest back into our local communities or return to taxpayers.”
During his State of the State Address in January 2012, Governor Walker urged citizens and state employees to submit suggestions to make government operations more efficient by going to www.bestpractices.wi.gov. Each quarter the Task Force will issue a report highlighting these suggestions and other efforts to curb government waste….
Below are a few highlights from the report:
Overtime Savings
The Department of Corrections turned a projected increase in overtime costs into a drop from fiscal year 2011 to 2012. The last four months of fiscal year 2011 alone saw a 30 percent decrease when compared to the previous year. The Division of Community Corrections, covering primarily probation and parole, saw an 89.5 percent decrease in overtime costs.
Going Paperless
State agencies are shifting away from paper paychecks. Instead, direct deposit and online payroll information are being used, which is saving tens of thousands of dollars annually and freeing up state employee time for other essential work functions.
Efficient Government
The Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Elimination Task Force recently suggested implementing Lean strategies in state government. Lean is a continuous improvement strategy removing unnecessary steps in processes leading to quicker results, saved time, and better work environments. On May 2, 2012, Governor Walker signed Executive Order #66 creating the Wisconsin Lean Government Initiative. Additional information regarding Lean implementation in state government can be accessed at: www.walker.wi.gov/Wisconsin-Reform/lean-Government.
Department of Health Services (DHS)—Office of Inspector General
The quarterly Waste, Fraud, and Abuse report released today includes, for the first time, metrics from the DHS’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). In the recipient fraud unit of the OIG, taxpayers are getting a $20 return for every $1 invested.
If you have suggestions on how government can operate more efficiently, share your ideas at www.bestpractices.wi.gov.