James Daley of Janesville and current Rock County Circuit Court Judge has announced he will run for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court, for what is incumbent Justice Ann Walsh Bradley’s seat.
Daley was appointed circuit court judge by Governor Tommy Thompson in January of 1989 after serving three terms as Rock County District Attorney. He was re-elected three times to the bench and has been the presiding judge in Rock County since 1998. The Wisconsin Supreme Court appointed Daley Chief Judge of the 5th Judicial Circuit in August of 2013.
While announcing his candidacy, Daley said he would be an independent voice on the court and that, “personal opinion does not trump the constitutionally granted authority of the Legislature or the executive. I’m afraid that over the last several decades, some members of the Wisconsin Supreme Court have either forgotten or ignored this simple but basic tenet of constitutional law.”
In the state of Wisconsin, State Supreme Court justices are elected to 10-year terms. The Wisconsin Supreme Court races are a non-partisan election.