Business Day in Madison

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce’s Business Day in Madison brings business leaders, from sole proprietors to major corporations, together with policymakers to discuss the most important issues facing our state. Business Day in Madison 2014, scheduled for February 6, 2014, will include discussion on Wisconsin and the global business climate, the year ahead, and what you can do for your business to innovate, strategize, and act on opportunities.

This year’s event will be held at Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center on Thursday, February 6th, 2014.


Keynote Address – “It Can Still be Morning in America”


Charles Payne, Founder, CEO & Chief Analyst of Wall Street Strategies; Fox Business Network Contributor; and Award-winning Author, discusses our current economic situation, how we got here, our prospects for growth and how we’ll improve. From lower taxes, fewer regulations, and new environmental standards to the need for citizens to believe in the American Dream once more, he focuses on how we reinvigorate America’s strength – innovation – through balanced risk-taking and access to capital.


Featured Speakers

“Never Quit: The Story of a Life Built on Successful Missions”

Rob O’Neill served America as a SEAL, team leader, and senior chief petty officer at Naval Special Development Group (SEAL Team Six) in some of the most challenging, storied, clandestine military roles of our time. In his speech, O’Neill shares what he learned during his more than 400 combat missions across four theaters of war. Through his moving and emotional stories drawn from lessons learned during some of the country’s most headline-stealing conflicts, O’Neill will demonstrate how the best of the military’s best approach strategic planning when mission failure is not an option. Join one of the legends of our nation’s military as he shares his views on the ingredients to a successful mission: the right people, preparedness, decision making under pressure, and, above all, a commitment to never quit.

“Politics and Public Policy – 2014 and Beyond”

A.B. Stoddard, Associate Editor and Columnist for The Hill, addresses elections and the political landscape of the day from a nonpartisan perspective. Frequently meeting with sources and politicians of all stripes, Stoddard has her finger on the pulse of Washington, DC as she offers detailed and smart political and electoral analyses. Her talk covers the five biggest stories in the news, the most up-to-date happenings between Congress and the White House, ongoing budget battles and the electoral prospects for the two parties.

“A Tour of a Challenged World”

Dan Christman,Senior Counselor to the U.S. Chamber President, outlines the ongoing global crises and their effects on US interests in all areas of the world. By focusing on America’s key trading partners, he shows businesses and industries how to invest in parts of the world that are doing well despite the global slowdown. His tour of the world takes audiences through the friendly nations, the unfriendly nations, and the ones that cannot be ignored by American investors. From the Middle East, to Latin America, to Southeast Asia, and Africa, Christman gets into the governmental, economic, and cultural hurdles that must be navigated by American industry in order to take advantage of the favorable opportunities despite the crises.

Governor Scott Walker

Gov. Scott Walker will close out this year’s event and discuss issues that impact and influence Wisconsin’s steadily improving business climate.

Click here for additional information and registration.

A welcome reception will be held Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. the Madison Club, 5 W. Wilson Street, Madison, WI, and is included with registration to Business Day in Madison.