Gov. Evers and the Department of Health Services (DHS) have issued Emergency Order #31, which establishes a reopening plan for the Wisconsin economy. The “Badger Bounceback Plan” is Gov. Evers’s phased approach for dialing back the Safer at Home order and reopening the Wisconsin economy. Safer at Home currently remains in place, and DHS will determine when the state can begin to move through phases of the plan.
The plan consists of three phases, each reopening more of the economy and allowing larger gatherings.
Phase 1:
- Mass gatherings up to 10 people
- Restaurants reopen with social distancing requirements
- Additional operations of other non-essential businesses
- K-12 schools resume in-person
- Child care resumes
Phase 2:
- Mass gatherings up to 50 people
- Restaurants at full operation
- Bars and nonessential businesses reopen with social distancing requirements
- Post-secondary education operations resume
Phase 3:
- All business activity resumes with minimal protective and preventative measures.
- More protective measures for vulnerable populations.
Under the order, “the state must show progress or advancement” in testing, tracing, tracking, personal protective equipment, and health care capacity. The order sets an ultimate testing goal of 85,000 tests per week and a goal of hiring 1,000 contact tracers but otherwise does not set numerical benchmarks. The criteria for movement between phases are a “downward trajectory” in a 14-day period of symptoms and cases.
The order also states that DHS may set localized orders, though supplemental documents note that “metrics will be applied on a statewide basis.”
On Monday, April 27, Gov. Evers issued Emergency Order 34, allowing all nonessential businesses to open for curbside dropoff. The order also allows for contactless rental of outdoor recreational equipment. Gov. Evers said EO 34 “builds upon the last turn of the dial” in accordance with the Badger Bounceback plan.