On Thursday, May 20, the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC) held an executive session to consider various motions related to the 2021-23 state budget. Click here to visit our main budget recap article for more information on the overall budget process as well as each executive session held by JFC in 2021.
Below is a list of motions that JFC considered on May 20, including whether each motion was adopted and how the committee voted. The committee includes 12 Republican members and 4 Democrats; all 12-4 and 4-12 vote tallies were along party lines.
- Motion 45: Department of Tourism (12-4)
- Motion 46: Department of Administration (12-4)
- Motion 47: Ethics Commission (16-0)
- Motion 48: Elections Commission (16-0)
Not adopted
- Motion 38: Department of Administration (4-12)
- Motion 39: Department of Administration (motion ruled out of order)
- Motion 44: Department of Tourism (4-12)
Below are highlights from the motions approved by JFC:
Department of Tourism
- Provide $781,800 each year in ongoing funding to market Wisconsin as a travel destination.
- Fund three staff (two-year project positions) for the Office of Outdoor Recreation.
Ethics Commission
- Provide funding for a deputy administrator.
- Increase lobbying fees by $10 each beginning in the 2023-2024 legislative session. The lobbying principal registration fee would increase from $375 to $385 and the lobbyist authorization fee would increase from $125 to $135.
Elections Commission
- Create a continuing appropriation for elections security and system maintenance, funded from voter registration list sales and a federal grant. Fund six staff to work and security infrastructure and providing security support to local officials.