State Agencies Submit 2025-27 Budget Requests

The 2025-27 state budget development process is now underway. On September 16, Wisconsin state agencies submitted their 2025-27 state budget requests to the governor and Department of Administration (DOA). In his June budget instructions to the state agencies, Governor Evers directed agencies to assume zero budget growth (with a few exceptions like exceptions for K-12 school aids and cost-to-continue programs including Department of Health Services institutions and the state Medical Assistance program).

During fall and early winter 2024, the DOA State Budget Office develops a budget based on the governor’s agenda and agencies’ requests. The governor then presents his budget to the state legislature for its consideration at the beginning of the next legislative session – typically January or February 2025.

Read about individual agency budget requests of note below:

Department of Health Services

  • Includes an additional $1.069 billion GPR/SEG over the biennium for cost-to-continue budget for the state’s Medicaid program.
  • Assumes the state moves forward with Medicaid expansion, which would increase the income eligibility limit for parents, caretakers, and childless adults from 100% to 138% of the federal poverty level. Expansion is projected to generate $1.7 billion in GPR savings over the biennium.

 Department of Natural Resources

  • Reauthorizes the Stewardship program funded at $100 million per year for another 10 years (through fiscal year 2036). DNR did not include subprogram funding levels in the request.
  • Includes $10 million in Environmental Fund supported bonding for small-scale and large-scale TRM projects and for NOD cost-sharing grants to governmental units working with owners and operators of livestock operations to meet required pollution controls.
  • Includes $10 million in additional bonding authority for dam repair, reconstruction, and removal projects.

Department of Tourism

  • Makes the Office of Outdoor Recreation permanent, with funding for three full-time positions.

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

  • Requests $300,000 GPR annually above base level funding to continue current assistance provided to the Dairy Processing Plant Grant program.
  • Includes an increase of $800,000 GPR in FY26 and FY27 for a total of $1,000,000 GPR ongoing annually for the Meat Processing Plant grant program.
  • Requests $10 million in additional bonding authority for the Soil and Water Resource Management Program.
  • Requests an increase of $1,4 million GPR and an increase of $1.7 SEG for the County Conservation Staff and Support grant program in both FY26 and FY27.

Department of Justice

  • Includes $2.3 million and 14 positions for the Office of School Safety.
  • Request $66 million GPR over the biennium for grants to victim service providers due to significant federal spending reductions.
  • Includes 19 positions and associated funding for the state crime labs.

Department of Workforce Development

  • Includes $3.2 million GPR in SFY 26 and $4.6 million GPR and $17,171,400 FED in SFY 27 to maintain current access levels to vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities who are seeking employment.
  • Requests additional statutory language to establish that employment discrimination under the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, subch. II, Wis. Stat. ch. 111, includes an employer requesting that an applicant for employment supply information regarding their conviction record prior to selection for an interview or otherwise considering an applicant’s record prior to selection for an interview.

Department of Corrections

  • Includes $7.1 million GPR for food costs associated with adult and juvenile correctional facilities and $51 million GPR for adult and juvenile variable non-food health services over the biennium.
  • Request $9.6 million GPR in FY26 and $11.2 million GPR in FY27 to fully fund contract beds for adult residents.

 Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

  • Maintains current funding levels for programs.

Department of Safety and Professional Services

  • Includes 10 FTE permanent positions and funding for the license application processing.
  • Requests 2 FTE for permanent attorney positions to ensure the PDMP investigations can be conducted.

University of Wisconsin System

  • Requests $128.9 million over the biennium increase affordability including the Wisconsin Tuition Promise program and support for veterans.
  • Includes $305 million in additional funding for accessibility initiatives, including an operational budget increase, tuition share of pay plan, and merit and market adjustments, as well as $41.8 million to develop additional talent.