The Institute for Energy Research recently released a comprehensive report studying the rise of states regulating climate change. The report, Energy Regulations in the States: A Wake-up Call, notes that the number of introduced bills regulating greenhouse gases throughout the country has nearly quintupled from 2006 to 2008, and the number of enacted more than sextupled. (See graph below.)
The report provides an in-depth discussion of the various steps states are taking to regulate greenhouse gases, and the resulting increases in energy prices. The report includes:
- A discussion of the three regional climate change initiatives, including the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Accord, which Wisconsin joined in 2007.
- A snapshot of the various types of legislation enacted throughout the country.
- An analysis of the de facto bans on coal power plants and the impact on energy prices as a result.
- A discussion of renewable portfolio standards, which require a certain percentage of electricity to be generated from renewable energy.
- Attached as an appendix to the report is an analysis examining each state’s energy sources, prices, and regulations, and a ranking of the states (Wisconsin’s statistics are found on page 187).
The report is an in-depth analysis of state legislation and rules regulating greenhouse gases, and the effect those regulations have on energy prices.