PSC Seeks Public Input on State Broadband Plan

The LinkWISCONSIN Alliance, which includes the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, is requesting public comments on a state plan to enhance the availability, adoption and applications related to high-speed Internet, or broadband, throughout Wisconsin.


This map from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shows the current avaibility of broadband in Wisconsin.

The LinkWISCONSIN Alliance, composed of community leaders from around the state, began developing the Wisconsin Broadband Playbook in the spring of 2012 and held focus groups in early May. In addition to the input already collected and presented in the draft Playbook, the PSC is currently seeking comments on how to best address challenges and opportunities for improving broadband availability, adoption rates and applications.

The Playbook is built around four initiatives:

  1. Creating broadband provider incentives to invest in Wisconsin.
  2. Reducing barriers to broadband investment.
  3. Leveraging federal and state dollars.
  4. Education, awareness and personnel to support broadband development in Wisconsin communities.

Comments on the draft Playbook are due by noon on August 31, 2012.