Governor Scott Walker delivered his fifth State of the State address last night, his first for his second term. Running just twenty-four minutes long, one of his shortest state of the state addresses, the governor said the state of Wisconsin is strong. He highlighted Wisconsin's economic situation, including an ever-improving unemployment rate, growth in private sector jobs, and budget reforms that saved taxpayers $2 billion.
When it came to specifics, Governor Walker announced his plan to merge the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA). He also asked that legislation be passed to merge the Department of Financial Institutions and the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The governor also pledged that property taxes four years from now would be lower than they were in 2014, which he stated, for the average Wisconsin homeowner were $141 lower in December than they were four years ago.
In education, the governor specifically asked the state legislature to pass legislation to ensure that no school district is required to use Common Core. He also asked for legislation that would ensure objective information is available for each public school in the state.
Walker's speech ended with a message that had national and international resonance, as he spoke on the recent terrorist attack against a satirical newspaper in Paris and threats against freedom. This final message and Walker's speech will be under close speculation as many are expecting the governor to enter the 2016 presidential race.
More specifics are expected in the governor's state budget address on February 3rd. The Hamilton Consulting Group will be covering the address. Follow us on Twitter to get live updates, or subscribe to the Political Tidbits.
Click here to read the full text of the speech.