The constant drumbeat of anti-establishment rhetoric that has been a theme throughout the presidential campaign was not evident in Tuesday's primary. While there were some close calls, every legislative incumbent who faced a challenge for their seat made it through the primary.
Speaker Paul Ryan's primary race against Paul Nehlen registered on the national radar as one of interest. Nehlen was up with television ads attacking Speaker Ryan and he earned praise from some sectors of the national conservative media, but those factors were not enough. Wisconsin Republicans in the 1st Congressional District resoundingly rejected Nehlen as Ryan cruised to victory.
While the primary contests throughout Wisconsin were generally low turnout affairs, there were many races that had impactful results.
In the 8th Congressional District, Mike Gallagher won with an eye-popping 74 percent of the vote in a three-way primary against State Sen. Frank Lasee and Terry McNulty. He will now face Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson in the seat to replace the retiring Reid Ribble.