Governor Scott Walker signed a number of bills this week which have been very controversial over the course of the 2013-2014 legislative session. According to a press release from the Governor’s office, the bills include:
- Assembly Bill 24 – permits the Board of Canvassers to determine whether or not to conduct a recount of an election by hand or by tabulation machines, unless a court orders that the recount be conducted a certain way. Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R-Fond du Lac) and Senator Rick Gudex (R-Fond du Lac) authored the bill, which passed both the Assembly and the Senate on a voice vote; it is Act 176.
- Assembly Bill 202 – requires polling places to have an election observer within three to eight feet of the table where voters announce their name and address. This bill will safeguard the fairness of elections by ensuring the observer can adequately certify the distribution of ballots. Representative Don Pridemore (R-Hartford) authored the bill, which passed the Assembly 54-39 and the Senate 17-16; it is Act 177.
- Assembly Bill 419 – states that write-in votes will only be counted if no certified candidates appear on the ballot. If there is a certified candidate, write-in votes are only counted for candidates who filed registration statements. In the event a certified candidate passes away or withdraws before the election, all write-in votes will be counted. Representative Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) authored the bill, which passed the Assembly and the Senate on a voice vote; it is Act 178.
- Senate Bill 262 – creates a uniform procedure for election officials who need to duplicate ballots that are damaged or defective. Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) and Representative Joe Sanfelippo (R-West Allis) authored the bill which passed the Senate 22-11 and the Assembly on a voice vote; it is Act 179.
- Senate Bill 264 – requires that only the chief inspector and one other inspector, whose party affiliation is different than the chief inspector, may secure the ballot container. Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) and Representative Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) authored the bill, which passed the Senate 19-14 and the Assembly 58-38; it is Act 180.
- Senate Bill 265 – requires equal representation of poll workers from the two major political parties, for all jobs requiring two or more poll workers, provided both parties that are entitled to submit nominees have done so. Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) and Representative Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) authored the bill, which passed the Assembly 59-37 and was concurred by the Senate as amended on a voice vote; it is Act 181.
- Senate Bill 267 – states that clerks must record the type of document submitted as proof of residence, but maintains an exception for military and overseas electors. Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) and Representative Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) authored the bill, which passed the Assembly 56-38 and was concurred by the Senate as amended 17-16 and; it is Act 182.