A couple of recent changes in the make-up of the executive branch are worth mentioning. Also of note is a brush-up between the Treasurer and a handful of legislators.
Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sec. Gary Hamblin is stepping down on October 26th to attend to health issues. Gov. Walker released the following statement on Sec. Hamblin’s retirement:
“I would like to thank Gary Hamblin for his service and leadership as the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and to commend him for his 45-year career of public service for the citizens of Wisconsin,” Governor Walker said. “His compassion and integrity served him well in his roles as Dane County Sheriff and at the Division of Criminal Investigation and the Department of Corrections. I have always had great respect for his dedication to public safety, passion for innovative ideas, and common-sense approach to often complicated issues. He will be greatly missed. Tonette and I wish the very best for Secretary Hamblin and his family.”
Walker has appointed Ed Wall, currently Administrator of the Division of Criminal Investigation within the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ), to fill Hamblin’s post starting October 27, 2012.
Wall began his career in emergency services as a police officer in 1986. He then served as a State Trooper in New Hampshire for nearly a decade before moving to his wife’s home state of Wisconsin. Since moving to Wisconsin in 1999, Wall has worked for the Wisconsin Department of Justice as a Special Agent in narcotics, Special Agent in Charge of the Investigative Services Bureau and was appointed the Administrator of Wisconsin Emergency Management by Governor Doyle. Wall then returned to DOJ to serve in his current role as the Administrator of the Division of Criminal Investigation.
Wall received a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Management and holds numerous leadership positions with state and national boards dealing with law enforcement training, national security, intelligence and law enforcement executive related functions.
Secretary Hamblin is the second member of Governor Walker’s cabinet to announce an upcoming move. Paul Jadin, Chief Executive Officer and Secretary of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, has announced he is leaving his post to become president of Thrive, the economic development agency for the eight counties that surround and include Madison.
Gov. Walker released the following statement on Sec. Jadin’s resignation:
“I would like to thank Paul for his service to our state and for the great job he has done helping transform the old Department of Commerce into the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC),” said Governor Walker. “Under Paul’s leadership, WEDC now has a strong foundation to build off of as it moves into the next phase of encouraging private sector job growth in Wisconsin. I asked the WEDC board to help conduct a nationwide search for a top-caliber CEO. I look forward to reviewing the recommendations made by the board in the near future.”
Jadin is scheduled to depart WEDC in early November. The WEDC board will be seeking applicants and interviewing individuals for the CEO position over the next few weeks. Interested individuals can apply at www.wedc.org.
State Treasurer Kurt Schuller has filed a Wis. Stat. § 16.515 request to the Joint Finance Committee which, if approved, would convert four FTE positions in the Treasurer’s unclaimed property office to permanent positions.
Some Assembly members are not pleased with this request, viewing it as a reversal of Schuller’s campaign promise to attempt to eliminate the office.
Rep. Kaufert sent a letter to JFC members asking them to object to Schuller’s request because eliminating the sunset date on the temporary positions would “create four new permanent government positions in his office without the approval of the full Legislature.”
Reps. Craig and August asked JFC members to object to the request from Schuller saying “the sunset on these positions was enacted by the Legislature in the 2011-13 budget. We are very much opposed to eliminating the sunset and creating four new permanent full-time positions without the consideration of the Legislature.”
Schuller responded that the change is warranted because, “We handle private information for citizens and would prefer those people handling such sensitive data are permanent and invested in this agency, rather than bringing in wave after wave of temporary help. These people currently work here. Their status is changing. That’s it.” He also provided additional information to JFC further explaining his request.