For the second time this year Governor Scott Walker has called the legislature into special session to address jobs. The “Back to Work Wisconsin” special session is expected to begin on Thursday, September 19, and run through November.
Walker’s announcement included a list of 26 pieces of legislation for the session. The list is replicated below with links to additional information on available bills.
Access to Capital
Assembly Bill 20–Rep. Barca and Sen. Lassa, allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation.
Assembly Bill 90 / Senate Bill 40–Rep. Clark and Sen. Lassa, entrepreneurial tax credit access grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
Assembly Bill 179–Rep. Weininger and Sen. Cowles, authorizing the creation of a multijurisdictional tax incremental financing district.
Assembly Bill 211–Rep. Molepske, Rep. Williams and Sen. Lassa, an income and franchise tax credit for investments in a community development financial institution.
LRB 1875–Rep. Petryk, Bernier and Larson and Sen. Leibham, small business loan guarantees by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
LRB 1877–Rep. Nerison and Sen. Schultz, changes to agricultural production and loan guarantee programs administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
LRB 2861–Sen. Wanggaard and Rep. Marklein, creation of the Wisconsin Next Generation Reserve Board and Wisconsin next generation reserve fund, authorizing the State of Wisconsin Investment Board to provide certain advice, services, facilities, and loans to state agencies and others, and making appropriations.
Regulatory Streamlining
Wetland and Habitat Restoration–Sen. Kedzie and Rep. Mursau, Changes to wetland water quality certifications which will help streamline the permitting process while maintaining protections for our most valuable wetland resources
LRB 1446–Sen. Kedzie and Rep. Mursau, information required to be published on the Department of Natural Resources Internet Web site; identification of areas of significant scientific value for purposes of regulating the placement of deposits and structures on the beds of navigable waters and the removal of materials from the beds of navigable waters; requirements for the placement of certain piers and wharves; repair and maintenance of boat houses and fixed houseboats; permit exemptions for land grading activities and for persons who place piers and wharves in navigable waters; placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line; procedures for issuing individual permits, contracts, and general permits and contracts for structures, deposits, and other activities in or near navigable waters; expedited procedures for plan approvals for dams and for water and sewerage systems; and granting rule−making authority.
LRB 2769–Rep. Strachota and Sen. Zipperer & Galloway, various duties of the Department of Revenue, including issuing declaratory judgments, conducting audits and assessments, asserting liability, allowing claims for refunds, awarding the costs of litigation, imposing penalties related to a taxpayer’s negligence, and requiring the exercise of rule−making authority.
LRB 2854 – Governor Walker, the film production services tax credit application fee.
Workforce Development
Assembly Bill 97–Rep. Ripp and Sen. Lassa, advanced manufacturing skills grants for technical colleges.
LRB 2221–Rep. Radcliffe, authorizing a school board to grant a vocational high school diploma.
Tax Relief
Assembly Bill 145 / Senate Bill 102–Sen. Leibham and Rep. Klenke, authorizing the Public Service Commission to approve temporary electric rates to promote economic development.
Assembly Bill 220–Rep. Murtha and Sen. Moulton, an income and franchise tax credit for workplace wellness programs, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Assembly Bill 277 / Senate Bill 203–Rep. Strachota and Sen. Wanggaard, adopting federal law as it relates to excluding from an employee’s income certain payments from an employer related to medical care.
Senate Bill 171—Sen. Taylor and Rep. Toles, exempting from income taxation certain employer-paid fringe benefits for mass transit expenses.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Assembly Bill 252 and Senate Bill 195–Rep. Petrowski and Sen. Lazich, seasonal weight limitations for certain vehicles transporting agricultural crops
Assembly Bill 253 and Senate Bill 189–Rep. Petrowski and Sen. Lazich, the maximum permissible length of vehicles carrying poles, pipe, girders, and similar materials on highways
Assembly Bill 254 and Senate Bill 190–Rep. Petrowski and Sen. Lazich, the maximum permissible length of single vehicles operated on a highway without an overweight permit
LRB 2900–Rep. Petrowski and Sen. Lazich, permits for overweight vehicle combinations transporting sealed containers or vehicles in international trade
LRB 2901–Rep. Petrowski and Sen. Lazich, annual or consecutive month permits for certain overweight vehicle combinations transporting agricultural commodities
Litigation Certainty
LRB 2670–Rep. Vos and Sen. Zipperer, factors for determining the reasonableness of attorney fees.
LRB 2890–Rep. Kooyenga and Sen. Zipperer, providing immunity from liability to drug and device manufacturers and sellers under certain circumstances
LRB 2939–Rep. Williams and Sen. Galloway, duty of care owed to trespassers
LRB 2966–Rep. Paul Farrow and LRB 2838 – Sen. Rich Zipperer, interest rates on judgments in certain civil actions