The review period for the governor to sign or veto legislation has now ended. While Gov. Scott Walker signed most bills, he also issued his first full vetoes. Senate Bill 360 and Senate Bill 87 were vetoed and returned to the Senate.
The governor vetoed the bill, citing concerns with the broad scope of the legislation and changing the administrative rules without any economic impact analyses and stakeholder engagement.
SB 87 was introduced by Sen. Roger Roth (R-Appleton) and Rep. Bob Kulp (R-Stratford). Under SB 87, the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) would be directed to promulgate rules to require an inspection of a one or two-family dwelling for a major renovation. The bill defined “major renovation of an existing structure” as an addition to, or a remodeling, improvement or other alteration of a one or two-family dwelling which exceeds 20 percent of the dwelling’s assessed value.
In his veto message, the governor stated that SB 87 would create unnecessary regulatory burdens on homeowners and drive up administrative costs for DSPS and local units of government. In addition, the governor reiterated his longstanding commitment to private property rights.