DOJ Releases Report on Human Trafficking in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Division of Criminal Investigation has released its report, “A Baseline Assessment of Human Trafficking in the State of Wisconsin,” assessing — through a voluntary survey of law enforcement, prosecutors, victim witness coordinators and governmental social service providers — the extent of human trafficking across Wisconsin.


Some of the report’s key findings include:

  • Human trafficking in Wisconsin takes the form of both sex trafficking and labor trafficking, and it is committed against both adults and minors;
  • Most of the human trafficking cases reported occur in areas of the state that are highly populated and have a significant tourist or visitor population;
  • Early intervention is critical for helping victims or potential victims leave or avoid a life of trafficking;
  • There is a lack of adequate services for victims of human trafficking throughout the state. The most notable services needed are adequate housing, healthcare, and advocacy;
  • Progress has been made in multiple areas of the state to address the lack of adequate services for victims of human trafficking;
  • Further training on human trafficking is needed by law enforcement and other professionals who may encounter this type of activity;
  • The lack of standardized definitions of and reporting on human trafficking make it difficult to collect accurate figures on this crime.