The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is accepting public comments on its outline of initiatives designed to keep the state’s long term care programs sustainable. DHS developed the proposals after months of studying public long term care programs including Family Care, Include Respect I Self-Direct (IRIS) and PACE and Partnership.
Family Care and related programs, PACE, Partnership and IRIS, have grown rapidly in recent years, and currently serve over 43,000 Wisconsinites. Expenditures have risen to $1.4 billion per year. Given this rapid growth, DHS initiated a review of the program last year.
Over the last year, DHS has been engaged in conversations with consumers, family members, advocates, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs), providers, tribes, and other experts about how to improve the program. Building on the audit report’s (Full Report, Report Highlights) finding and DHS’s own review, the department has assembled a package of reforms and savings measures that will help make the program sustainable on an ongoing basis in the future while keeping consistent with the interests of current and future program participants.
Reforms by Focus Area:
Employment Supports
Family Care Administrative and Program Efficiencies
Family Care Benefits
IRIS and Self-Directed Supports
Living Well at Home and in the Community
Residential Services
Youth in Transition
DHS is accepting comments on the proposed reforms on its website.