Senate and Assembly Floor Sessions: June 14

Both the Senate and Assembly met June 14. Notably, the Senate passed three bills related to the 2023-25 state budget, and the Assembly subsequently took up and passed those bills in addition to its scheduled calendar. Those budget-related bills were as follows: AB 245: Changes the shared revenue formula to provide increased aid to counties […]

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Legislative Council Approves 2022 Study Committee Bills

The Joint Legislative Council (JLC) recommends special committees to study major issues identified by the Wisconsin Legislature, typically during even-numbered years after the regular session has adjourned.  In April 2022, JLC established seven study committees consisting of legislators and members of the public. Those committees held hearings and developed policy recommendations. On March 23, JLC met […]

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Gov. Evers 2023-25 Executive Budget Highlights

Gov. Evers gave his third biennial budget address on February 15, unveiling his 2023-25 executive budget. He proposes an operating budget of $103.8 billion over the next two fiscal years, adding a net 816.55 FTE positions. For comparison, the 2021-23 state budget spent $87.5 billion with a net reduction of 174.19 FTE positions. The complete […]

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State Agencies Submit 2023-25 Budget Requests

On September 15, Wisconsin state government agencies submitted requests for the next state budget to Gov. Tony Evers (D) and the Department of Administration (DOA). The state budgets on a two-year (biennial) basis, with fiscal years beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The 2023-2025 state budget will cover a two-year period from July 1, […]

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2021-22 Session Ends With 267 New Laws, Record-Breaking 126 Vetoes

On April 15, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) issued what are likely to be his final signatures and vetoes of the 2021-22 legislative session. With the Assembly and Senate standing adjourned as of their final floor days in February and March, respectively, any outstanding bills passed by both houses were sent to the governor’s desk […]

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58 New Laws: Gov. Evers’ Signatures and Vetoes in March

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) has signed 58 bills into law since our early March update on gubernatorial actions. Although the Wisconsin Legislature has adjourned for the remainder of the year, there are still dozens of bills that passed both houses but have yet to be formally presented to Gov. Evers. Once Senate or Assembly […]

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Legislature Adjourned After Final Senate Floor Session: March 8

The Wisconsin Legislature stands adjourned following the Senate’s final planned floor day on March 8. The Assembly adjourned two weeks earlier after its final votes on February 23 and 24. Barring any unusual circumstances, the Legislature will not convene again until the next legislative session begins in January 2023. Also on March 8, Republican leaders […]

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Senate and Assembly Floor Sessions: February 22

Both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature met on February 22 for floor sessions to vote on bills and resolutions. Below, we review a few notable items that passed each house that day. Senate Floor Calendar, February 22 The Senate passed 64 bills and eight resolutions, including SB 520, which authorizes almost $42 million in general […]

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Governor and Legislative Leaders Differ Over State Surplus Plans

Wisconsin’s latest budget projections brought good news, with the state now projected to end the 2021-23 fiscal biennium with a $3.8 billion surplus. As we reported in January, Wisconsin ended its most recent fiscal year with a balance of $1.18 billion, its largest positive balance ever as calculated using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The […]

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Legislative Update: Remaining Floor Dates; State of the State Address

Remaining Session Dates Each house of the Wisconsin Legislature is expected to meet once or twice monthly in January, February, and March, and then adjourn for the remainder of the year. Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) has confirmed that the Senate plans to finish its work by March 10, the final day of the […]

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