In the real world autumn is a time to prepare for the coming winter; in the lobbying world autumn is the time to prepare for the next legislative session. The Hamilton team is working to make sure our clients have the tools necessary to accomplish their government relations goals in the 2013-14 Legislative session, which will commence on Jan. 7, 2013.
- Political Tidbits – We continually update our mailing list and could use your help! If your board had its annual meeting over the summer and elected new officers, let us know so the key people in your organization continue to receive our publications.
- News Clips – The right column of Tidbits contains a selection of the most important news stories, but did you know you can always get the latest news sorted by subject on the Hamilton Consulting website?
- Tracking Reports – If your organization did not have a customized tracking report last session and you are interested in this service during the coming session contact a member of the Hamilton Consulting team.
- Political Fundraising Calendar– Hamilton’s political fundraising calendar allows you to see all of the upcoming fundraising events and import them into your own calendar.
To succeed in government relations, an organization must be attuned to politics, to the people who are engaged in that arena and to the campaigns and activities that keep or put people in power. It is Hamilton Consulting’s combination of policy expertise, political awareness and attentiveness to the legislative/regulatory processes that allow us to develop workable and attainable solutions for our clients. We could not do this if government relations were part of our focus or even our primary focus. We succeed because government relations is 100 percent of our focus, 100 percent of the time.