To date, 22 Representatives and 7 Senators have announced they will not seek re-election; additional retirements may be announced in the coming weeks. Listed below are the announced and potential retirements.
Assembly Retirements: (7 Democrat and 15 Republican seats)
Representative Janet Bewley, Democrat, 74th AD (Running for State Senate in open seat vacated by Senator Jauch)
Representative Gary Bies, Republican, 1st AD (Running for Secretary of State)
Representative Fred Clark, Democrat, 81st AD
Representative Mike Endsley, Republican, 26th AD
Representative Dean Kaufert, Republican, 55th AD (recently elected Mayor of Neenah 4/1/14)
Representative Steve Kestell, Republican, 27th AD
Representative John Klenke, Republican, 88th AD
Representative Bill Kramer, Republican, 97th AD
Representative Brett Hulsey, Democrat, 78th AD (Running for Governor)
Representative Dan LeMahieu, Republican, 59th AD
Representative Howard Marklein, Republican, 51st AD (Running for State Senate in open seat vacated by Senator Schultz)
Representative Steve Nass, Republican, 33rd AD (Running for State Senate in open seat vacated by Senator Kedzie)
Representative Sandy Pasch, Democrat, 10th AD
Representative Don Pridemore, Republican, 22nd AD
Representative Jon Richards, Democrat, 19th AD (Running for Attorney General)
Representative Janis Ringhand, Democrat, 45th AD (Running for State Senate in open seat vacated by Senator Cullen)
Representative Penny Bernard Schaber, Democrat, 57th AD (Running for State Senate against incumbent Sen. Mike Ellis)
Representative Erik Severson, Republican, 28th AD
Representative Pat Strachota, Republican, 58th AD
Representative Duey Stroebel, Republican, 60th AD (Running for 6th Congressional District Seat, vacated by Tom Petri)
Representative Chad Weininger, Republican, 4th AD (Accepted position as Brown County Director of Administration)
Representative Mary Williams, Republican, 87th AD
Senate Retirements: (4 Republican and 3 Democrat seats)
Senator Tim Cullen, Democrat, 15th SD
Senator Mike Ellis, Republican, 19th SD
Senator Bob Jauch, Democrat, 25th SD
Senator Neal Kedzie, Republican, 11th SD
Senator Joseph Leibham, Republican, 9th SD (Running for 6th Congressional District Seat, vacated by Tom Petri)
Senator John Lehman, Democrat, 21st SD (Running for Lieutenant Governor)
Senator Dale Schultz, Republican, 17th SD
Potential retirements include Representative Chad Weininger (Republican, 4th AD) who is considering resigning to serve as Brown County Director of Administration and Representative Duey Stroebel (Republican, 60th AD) who is contemplating a run against Congressman Petri. Senator Glenn Grothman (Republican, 20th SD) has announced a run against Congressman Petri. He does not have to initially vacate his Senate seat to run for Congress since his Senate seat is not up for re-election until 2016.
Last Updated: May 8, 2014 4:05 pm