2025-2026 Committees

2025-26 Joint Committees:

 Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Senator Wimberger (Co-Chair)

Representative Wittke (Co-Chair)

Senator Marklein

Senator Kapenga

Senator Wirch

Senator Ratcliff

Representative Born

Representative Knodl

Representative Hong

Representative Taylor


Joint Legislative Council

Senator Felzkowski (Co-Chair)

Representative Vos (Co-Chair)

Senator LeMahieu

Senator Marklein

Senator Feyen

Senator Jagler

Senator Cabral-Guevara

Senator Quinn

Senator Hesselbein

Senator Smith

Senator L. Johnson

Senator Wall

Representative Petersen

Representative August

Representative Born

Representative Duchow

Representative VanderMeer

Representative Neubauer

Representative Haywood

Representative McGuire

Representative Anderson


Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules

Senator Nass (Co-Chair)

Representative Neylon (Co-Chair)

Senator Bradley

Senator Tomczyk

Senator Roys

Senator Ratcliff

Representative Petersen

Representative Spiros

Representative Snodgrass

Representative Arney


Joint Committee on Employment Relations

Senator Felzkowski (Co-Chair)

Representative Vos (Co-Chair)

Senator LeMahieu

Senator Marklein

Senator Hesselbein

Representative August

Representative Born

Representative Neubauer


Joint Committee on Finance

Representative Born (Co-Chair)

Senator Marklein (Co-Chair)

Representative Kurtz (Vice-Chair)

Senator Testin (Vice-Chair)

Senator Wimberger

Senator Bradley

Senator Quinn

Senator Stafsholt

Senator L. Johnson

Senator Roys

Representative Dallman

Representative Rodriguez

Representative Zimmerman

Representative Hurd

Representative McGuire

Representative Andraca


Joint Committee on Information Policy and Technology

Senator Bradley (Co-Chair)

Representative Gustafson (Co-Chair)

Senator Testin

Senator Quinn

Senator Ratcliff

Senator Wall

Representative Melotik

Representative Krug

Representative Madison

Representative Prado


Joint Committee on Legislative Organization

Senator Felzkowski (Co-Chair)

Representative Vos (Co-Chair)

Senator LeMahieu

Senator Feyen

Senator Hesselbein

Senator Smith

Representative August

Representative Krug

Representative Neubauer

Representative Haywood

Representative Subeck


Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties

Senator Hutton (Co-Chair)

Representative Krug (Co-Chair)

Senator Drake

Representative Novak

Representative McGuire


Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems

Representative August (Co-Chair)

Senator Feyen (Co-Chair)

Senator Wanggaard

Senator Ratcliff

Representative Swearingen

Representative Neubauer


Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions

Representative August (Co-Chair)

Senator Testin (Co-Chair)

Senator Pfaff

Representative Swearingen

Representative Andraca



2025-26 Senate Standing Committees:


Senate Committee on Agriculture and Revenue

Senator Testin (Chair)

Senator Tomczyk (Vice-Chair)

Senator Marklein

Senator Cabral-Guevara

Senator Jacque

Senator Pfaff

Senator Spreitzer

Senator Keyeski


Senate Committee on Education

Senator Jagler (Chair)

Senator Quinn (Vice-Chair)

Senator Nass

Senator Larson

Senator Keyeski


Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Sporting Heritage

Senator Stafsholt (Chair)

Senator Jagler (Vice-Chair)

Senator Testin

Senator Alfheim

Senator Habush Sinykin


Senate Committee on Government Operations, Labor and Economic Development

Senator Feyen (Chair)

Senator Kapenga (Vice-Chair)

Senator Bradley

Senator Spreitzer

Senator Wirch


Senate Committee on Health

Senator Cabral-Guevara (Chair)

Senator Testin (Vice-Chair)

Senator James

Senator Smith

Senator Drake


Senate Committee on Insurance, Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry

Senator Quinn (Chair)

Senator Stafsholt (Vice-Chair)

Senator Jagler

Senator Wall

Senator Alfheim


Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety

Senator Wanggaard (Chair)

Senator James (Vice-Chair)

Senator Wimberger

Senator Jacque

Senator Hutton

Senator Drake

Senator L. Johnson

Senator Roys


Senate Committee on Licensing, Regulatory Reform, State and Federal Affairs

Senator Kapenga (Chair)

Senator Jacque (Vice-Chair)

Senator Nass

Senator Carpenter

Senator Larson


Senate Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families

Senator James (Chair)

Senator Wanggaard (Vice-Chair)

Senator Cabral-Guevara

Senator Keyeski

Senator L. Johnson

Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Veteran and Military Affairs

Senator Jacque (Chair)

Senator Nass (Vice-Chair)

Senator Tomczyk

Senator Habush Sinykin

Senator Wirch


Senate Committee on Senate Organization

Senator LeMahieu (Chair)

Senator Felzkowski (Vice-Chair)

Senator Feyen

Senator Hesselbein

Senator Smith


Senate Committee on Transportation and Local Government

Senator Tomczyk (Chair)

Senator Hutton (Vice-Chair)

Senator Wanggaard

Senator Carpenter

Senator Spreitzer


Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges

Senator Hutton (Chair)

Senator Cabral-Guevara (Vice-Chair)

Senator Feyen

Senator Larson

Senator Pfaff


Senate Committee on Utilities and Tourism

Senator Bradley (Chair)

Senator Feyen (Vice-Chair)

Senator James

Senator Ratcliff

Senator Smith




2025-26 Assembly Standing Committees:


Assembly Committee on Agriculture

Representative Tranel (Chair)

Representative Moses (Vice-Chair)

Representative Behnke

Representative Kitchens

Representative Murphy

Representative Mursau

Representative Novak

Representative Pronschinske

Representative Tucker

Representative VanderMeer

Representative J. Jacobson

Representative Anderson

Representative Billings

Representative Brown

Representative Johnson


Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections

Representative Maxey (Chair)

Representative Krug (Vice-Chair)

Representative Murphy

Representative Snyder

Representative Tittl

Representative Snodgrass

Representative Anderson


Assembly Committee on Children and Families

Representative Snyder (Chair)

Representative Penterman (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brill

Representative Gundrum

Representative Goeben

Representative Dittrich

Representative Billings

Representative Snodgrass

Representative Vining


Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities

Representative Murphy (Chair)

Representative Nedweski (Vice-Chair)

Representative Allen

Representative Moses

Representative O’Connor

Representative Piwowarczyk

Representative Kreibich

Representative Emerson

Representative Joers

Representative DeSmidt

Representative Stroud


Assembly Committee on Commerce

Representative Kreibich (Chair)

Representative Tranel (Vice-Chair)

Representative Tusler

Representative Green

Representative Doyle

Representative Prado

Assembly Committee on Constitution and Ethics

Representative Wichgers (Chair)

Representative Behnke (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brill

Representative Tusler

Representative Mayadev

Representative Hysell


Assembly Committee on Consumer Protection

Representative Callahan (Chair)

Representative Pronschinske (Vice-Chair)

Representative Behnke

Representative Brill

Representative Ortiz-Velez

Representative Rivera-Wagner


Assembly Committee on Corrections

Representative Kaufert (Chair)

Representative O’Connor (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brooks

Representative Franklin

Representative Maxey

Representative Tittl

Representative Stubbs

Representative Clancy

Representative Madison


Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety

Representative Spiros (Chair)

Representative Piwowarczyk (Vice-Chair)

Representative Donovan

Representative Duchow

Representative Franklin

Representative B. Jacobson

Representative Melotik

Representative Novak

Representative Sortwell

Representative Steffen

Representative Emerson

Representative Doyle

Representative McGuire

Representative Spaude

Representative Taylor


Assembly Committee on Education

Representative Kitchens (Chair)

Representative Goeben (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brill

Representative Snyder

Representative Duchow

Representative Dittrich

Representative Melotik

Representative Mursau

Representative Penterman

Representative Hong

Representative Cruz

Representative Phelps

Representative Sheehan


Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities

Representative Steffen (Chair)

Representative Summerfield (Vice-Chair)

Representative Callahan

Representative Green

Representative Tittl

Representative Neylon

Representative O’Connor

Representative Sortwell

Representative Tranel

Representative Subeck

Representative Moore Omokunde

Representative Stubbs

Representative McCarville


Assembly Committee on Environment

Representative Goeben (Chair)

Representative Tucker (Vice-Chair)

Representative Behnke

Representative Kitchens

Representative Palmeri

Representative Miresse


Assembly Committee on Financial Institutions

Representative Duchow (Chair)

Representative Kreibich (Vice-Chair)

Representative Allen

Representative Murphy

Representative O’Connor

Representative Wittke

Representative Kaufert

Representative Doyle

Representative J. Jacobson

Representative Udell


Assembly Committee on Forestry, Parks and Outdoor Recreation

Representative Mursau (Chair)

Representative Melotik (Vice-Chair)

Representative Callahan

Representative Tittl

Representative Moses

Representative Pronschinske

Representative Swearingen

Representative Wichgers

Representative Palmeri

Representative Andraca

Representative Miresse

Representative Udell


Assembly Committee on Government Operations, Accountability, and Transparency

Representative Nedweski (Chair)

Representative Sortwell (Vice-Chair)

Representative August

Representative Gustafson

Representative Steffen

Representative Knodl

Representative Bare

Representative Hong

Representative Cruz


Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care

Representative Moses (Chair)

Representative Brooks (Vice-Chair)

Representative Dittrich

Representative Gundrum

Representative Kitchens

Representative Neylon

Representative Snyder

Representative Summerfield

Representative VanderMeer

Representative Wichgers

Representative Subeck

Representative Stubbs

Representative Vining

Representative Johnson

Representative Mayadev


Assembly Committee on Housing and Real Estate

Representative Brooks (Chair)

Representative Murphy (Vice-Chair)

Representative Allen

Representative Armstrong

Representative Penterman

Representative Piwowarczyk

Representative Pronschinske

Representative Summerfield

Representative Kreibich

Representative Goeben

Representative Haywood

Representative Bare

Representative Clancy

Representative Emerson

Representative Ortiz-Velez


Assembly Committee on Insurance

Representative Dittrich (Chair)

Representative Callahan (Vice-Chair)

Representative Tusler

Representative Duchow

Representative Sortwell

Representative Steffen

Representative Tranel

Representative Doyle

Representative Bare

Representative Udell


Assembly Committee on Jobs and Economy

Representative Gundrum (Chair)

Representative Neylon (Vice-Chair)

Representative Armstrong

Representative Franklin

Representative Goeben

Representative B. Jacobson

Representative Melotik

Representative Moore Omokunde

Representative Goodwin

Representative Tenorio


Assembly Committee on Judiciary

Representative Tusler (Chair)

Representative B. Jacobson (Vice-Chair)

Representative Donovan

Representative Gustafson

Representative Ortiz-Velez

Representative Hysell


Assembly Committee on Local Government

Representative Novak (Chair)

Representative Donovan (Vice-Chair)

Representative Kaufert

Representative Gundrum

Representative B. Jacobson

Representative Pronschinske

Representative Maxey

Representative Anderson

Representative Palmeri

Representative Rivera-Wagner


Assembly Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention

Representative Tittl (Chair)

Representative Brill (Vice-Chair)

Representative Behnke

Representative VanderMeer

Representative Dittrich

Representative Gundrum

Representative Snyder

Representative Vining

Representative DeSanto

Representative Roe


Assembly Committee on Public Benefit Reform

Representative Knodl (Chair)

Representative Maxey (Vice-Chair)

Representative Neylon

Representative Allen

Representative Clancy

Representative Phelps


Assembly Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform

Representative Sortwell (Chair)

Representative Wichgers (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brooks

Representative Goeben

Representative Gustafson

Representative Moore Omokunde

Representative Kirsch


Assembly Committee on Rural Development

Representative Behnke (Chair)

Representative Armstrong (Vice-Chair)

Representative Green

Representative VanderMeer

Representative Anderson

Representative DeSanto


Assembly Committee on Science, Technology, and AI

Representative Gustafson (Chair)

Representative VanderMeer (Vice-Chair)

Representative Tusler

Representative Spiros

Representative Madison

Representative DeSmidt


Assembly Committee on Small Business Development

Representative Armstrong (Chair)

Representative Dittrich (Vice-Chair)

Representative Melotik

Representative Gundrum

Representative Joers

Representative Vining


Assembly Committee on Sporting Heritage

Representative Pronschinske (Chair)

Representative Tittl (Vice-Chair)

Representative Green

Representative Mursau

Representative Piwowarczyk

Representative Sortwell

Representative Tucker

Representative J. Jacobson

Representative Miresse

Representative Stroud


Assembly Committee on State Affairs

Representative Swearingen (Chair)

Representative Green (Vice-Chair)

Representative Wittke

Representative Moses

Representative Piwowarczyk

Representative Spiros

Representative Summerfield

Representative Sinicki

Representative Kirsch

Representative Roe


Assembly Committee on State and Federal Relations

Representative Allen (Chair)

Representative Gustafson (Vice-Chair)

Representative Brill

Representative Piwowarczyk

Representative Clancy

Representative Prado


Assembly Committee on Tourism

Representative Green (Chair)

Representative Swearingen (Vice-Chair)

Representative Kitchens

Representative Mursau

Representative Summerfield

Representative Penterman

Representative Billings

Representative Joers

Representative Spaude


Assembly Committee on Transportation

Representative VanderMeer (Chair)

Representative Spiros (Vice-Chair)

Representative Maxey

Representative B. Jacobson

Representative Haywood

Representative Arney


Assembly Committee on Urban Revitalization

Representative Donovan (Chair)

Representative Knodl (Vice-Chair)

Representative Allen

Representative Franklin

Representative Madison

Representative Goodwin


Assembly Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs

Representative Penterman (Chair)

Representative Franklin (Vice-Chair)

Representative Maxey

Representative Snyder

Representative Spiros

Representative Summerfield

Representative Tucker

Representative VanderMeer

Representative Tittl

Representative Sinicki

Representative Brown

Representative McCarville

Representative Tenorio


Assembly Committee on Ways and Means

Representative O’Connor (Chair)

Representative Kaufert (Vice-Chair)

Representative Armstrong

Representative Brooks

Representative Franklin

Representative Gustafson

Representative Penterman

Representative Bare

Representative J. Jacobson

Representative Fitzgerald


Assembly Committee on Workforce Development, Labor, and Integrated Employment

Representative Melotik (Chair)

Representative Snyder (Vice-Chair)

Representative Armstrong

Representative Dittrich

Representative Gundrum

Representative Kreibich

Representative Sinicki

Representative Fitzgerald

Representative Sheehan